XBRLine is the desktop-based software for preparation and filing of Annual Reports in XBRL format, as per Revised Schedule VI.
Below are salient features of XBRLine.
Inbuilt taxonomy:
All the taxonomy elements are integrated in the software. Data entry screens are inbuilt as per taxonomy presentation in specific Extended Link Roles (ELR).
Import data from Excel:
Import data facility from existing Excel files, to map taxonomy elements with Excel data.
Use of icons:
Different type of inputs like numeric, text, date, and text block are highlighted by icons for error-free and easy data entry.
Paste facility in text block:
Copy paste facility from Word and Excel in text block with formatting
Multi-dimension data entry:
Easy and user-friendly multi-dimension selection and data-entry screens.
Facility to add/edit footnotes, which enables user to capture element wise notes in addition to general notes.
Inbuilt Calculations:
All the formulas/ calculations are inbuilt. Calculated elements will get calculated automatically based on data entered in dependent elements.
Inbuilt Validation:
Specific and general rules are applied in the software for instant validation.
Instance Generator:
Generates the instance document quickly after successful validation.
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